ERP Dictionary
We gathered together the ERP concepts and concepts used in business life and created ERP contracts.

Artificial Intelligence

AI, which is artificial intelligence in the simplest terms, is, it refers to systems or machines that can improve themselves by imitating human intelligence to perform tasks and according to the information it collects.

Application Programming Interface

Application Programming Interface is a software agent that works with a demand-response system. An API is a system in which two different systems communicate with each other and exchange data.

Advanced Planning and Scheduling

They are software that provides advanced planning solutions by ensuring the optimal use of resources within the framework of certain rules and restrictions. While providing solutions to problems in the NP-Hard status, it also creates alternative planning solutions.

Application Service Provider

It is a web programming language used to produce Internet sites that has the capacity to communicate with other applications.

Advanced Available-to-Promise

ATP consists of the required materials and production location, as well as the requested quantities and dates. It is called an advanced availability check (AATP) to verify on what date and amount a need will be met.

Business to Business

It is an e-commerce model Decoupled between companies. If a company sells goods, products or services to another company, B2B marketing takes place here. For example, advertising agencies, graphic design services, ERP services are the sectors where company-to-company trade is most intensively applied.

Business to Consumer

It is the e-commerce model Decoupled between the company and the consumer. The transactions made directly from a company to the consumer to the user are called B2C. Restaurants, retail stores are among the examples where B2C is used the most intensively.

Business Intelligence

It refers to the process of converting data into information. BI helps to make faster and more reliable decisions by analyzing raw data and translating them into useful, meaningful and usable information. It designs, manages and analyzes the data contained in the data warehouse and ensures that reports are prepared when requested. It helps to make the right moves in the strategic decisions to be made. Information that can be accessed when it is needed allows you to stay strong and stand out in the competition.

Bill of Material

In Turkish, “Product Tree” appears as concepts such as “Product Recipe”. The diagram showing all the finished products, semi-finished products and raw materials that make up a product is called a product tree. The product tree shows only the materials that make up the product and their quantities. However, in programs containing production systems such as ERP, the definition of product trees is broader. In these programs, it is also possible to access information such as workstation and operation information in product trees. Product trees/Product recipes also help to calculate the cost of a product's ingredients.

Business Process Management

It is a systematic approach that makes management traceable in order to increase improvement in companies. It covers the analysis of the current situation, the determination of goals, the measurement of the consistency between the current situation and the goal, the identification of bottlenecks, the determination of Deceleration steps, tasks and responsibilities.

Block Scheduling

It is a visually rich type of programming in which visual blocks are used instead of code. It allows strategies for implementing block charts to help make transitions easier and more effective.

Consumer to Consumer

Consumer to Consumer refers to the concepts of Customer to Customer. It has been translated into Turkish as consumer to consumer / customer to customer. It is an inter-consumer e-commerce model.Dec. It is the name given to the transactions made from one consumer to another. It is an example of C2C marketing on platforms where users market second-hand products to other users.

Computer Aided Design

Computer-Aided Design is the name given to the use of computer systems to help uncover a part that will be manufactured. More simply, the first creation of a part that is considered to be manufactured in a computer environment is called computer-aided design. In this way, designers, engineers and technicians can realize their designs in electronic environments. In this way, they can make changes to their designs much faster and put this electronic information on paper whenever they want.

Computer Aided Manufacturing

The creation and development of a design The use of computer support is called CAD, while the computer support used in production processes such as machine control, process planning, material flow, assembly and quality control is called CAM. It is the general name given to the hardware and software system that helps to transfer these programs to the machines in question.

Computer Aided Process Planning

Computer Aided Process Planning (Decp) has a very important place in the CIM system because it is a key interface between computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM). Decp is a very important interface between computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided manufacturing (CAM). The most important benefits of CAPP include efficiency in manufacturing, more functional use of raw materials, improved production scheduling, fewer calculation errors and labor savings.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing

It is the integration of computer-controlled machines and automation systems in manufacturing products. Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), Computer Aided Engineering (CAQ), Computer Aided Quality (CAQ), Computer Aided Numerical Control (CNC), Computer Aided Numerical Control (CAD), Computer Aided Design (Computer Aided Design), Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), Computer Aided Manufacturing(CAM), Computer Aided Engineering (CAQ), CAQ (Computer Aided Quality), CAQ (Computer Aided Quality), CAQ (Computer Aided Quality), CAQ (Computer Aided Quality), etc. It is widely used in the automotive, aerospace, aerospace and ship industries where mass production is intensive.r is a module. In other words, ERP is a broader system that also includes MRP systems.

Computerized Maintenance Management

CMMS is a software automation. It controls production facilities, machines, equipment and systems, monitors their operation, plans maintenance and repair processes, work orders, and measures the energy and efficiency of systems. In summary; CMMS provides end-to-end management of the cycle starting from the purchase of machinery and equipment, its installation, continuing with operating processes until it is disposed of at the end of its economic life.

Computer Numerical Control

Computerized Numerical Control is the name given to the control of machine tools with the help of a computer along with numerical commands. CNC machine is composed of computer or microcomputer which acts as the control unit of the machine. CNC machines, unlike NC machines, have a computerized control unit. Thus, NC programs, some technical and offset information about cutters are permanently stored in the machine memory. In addition, the program can be intervened at every stage of production and the desired changes are made to the program.

Corporate Performance Management

It is the name given to all of the processes, methods, performance criteria and technological systems used in the monitoring and management of corporate performances. In short, it is defined as a systematic process carried out to improve performance individually and organizationally.

Consumer Relationship Management

It is a set of studies and strategies carried out to strengthen the communication established by companies with existing and potential customers and to increase productivity. It aims to develop strategies that increase gains by answering basic customer questions, managing customer data, harmonizing sales and marketing processes.

Capacity Requirement Planning

CRP is just one of the capacity management elements. It allows the determination of capacity limits, that is, the determination of how much machinery and labor are required for the desired production. It aims to prepare an applicable order plan by comparing the capacity required to meet the previously issued and previously issued open orders with the available available capacity.

Computer Telephony Integration

It is a system that allows computers to interact with phones. It is managed using computers and related programs in environments supported by more than one phone. It is primarily used in places where there are more daily received calls.

Capable To Promise

GRP makes a huge contribution to measuring the amount of business of the company by allowing you to give customers accurate dates on which you can commit certain goods. It is calculated by subtracting the amount of work currently underway from the total amount of work to be done.

Database Management System

DMBS is called the interface provided to users to perform database creation, storage, data update, table creation in the database and many other operations. Basically, it offers the end user the ability to edit the database, transfer information, and recover data in case of erroneous transactions.

Distribution Resource Planning

It helps to organize distribution organizations by ensuring that resources such as storage, loading and unloading capacities of vehicles, labor, financing are planned according to certain criteria. With DRP, it is determined which product is needed, how much is needed, when and how much of the need will be met, which means of transportation and how it will be transmitted between which centers. Dec. The necessary resources can be determined in order to meet the required product completely and on time. It can also specify how much stock should be available at which center by analyzing the available data.

Enterprise Application Integration

Enterprise application integration (EAI) is the use of technologies and services in a company to ensure the integration of hardware systems along with software programs.

Enterprise Asset Management

Corporate Asset Management is the management of all processes of a fixture from registration as the company's inventory until it is scrapped. With EAM software, it is ensured that fixtures are monitored throughout their use, repair and maintenance processes are managed. It can also accommodate extended features such as more advanced warranty management, preventive maintenance planning, wireless mobile device integration. As companies grow, the increasing assets become more difficult to manage, and more maintenance personnel are needed. In this case, Corporate Asset Management is gaining importance. By recording all the company's inventories through the software, all processes can be planned with minimum personnel and minimum expenses.

Electronic Data Interchange

EDI is a system Decoupling electronic format documents between different portals from one portal to another in a controlled manner. EDI minimizes errors that may occur during manual data transfer, reducing commercial disputes and enabling data to be transferred faster.

Enterprise Risk Management

The purpose of this activity, which is used in all processes, is to identify the risks that will affect management, manage them in accordance with management's corporate risk-taking strategy and to provide minimal assurance to achieve the goals, which is used by all other employees together with the upper parts of the management in determining the strategies. The use of technology makes it easier to adapt to the requirements of the ERM. The technology-based ERM application in institutions ensures that accurate results are obtained while saving time by organizing and facilitating the audit process.

Enterprise Resource Planning

ERP is the general name given to integrated management systems that ensure the efficient use of all the resources required for all kinds of production. With ERP systems, it allows all the units of the enterprise to work integrated with each other, while at the same time ensuring that all data is collected and managed on a system. The growing ERP sector has brought many abbreviations and concepts with it. In order to increase the comprehensibility of the concepts and to help you Decipher the ERP concepts and abbreviations used in business life, we have collected them together and created the ERP dictionary. In this dictionary you can find the Turkish equivalents of the concepts and access their functions.

First In First Out

It means that the products that will be given to production or sold should start from the products that enter the stocks first. The order of use of the products in stock continues respectively, starting from the first purchased products. Products enter the stocks and exit the stocks respectively.

Field Service Management

These are systems that increase personnel and operational efficiency by ensuring that all operations related to the field, such as creating all the plans of the field team, preparing the details of the work to be done, arranging and approving the necessary documents and documents, transmitting customer problems, complaints and suggestions to the field team, are managed.

Human Resources

It is the unit that provides the solution of all kinds of problems related to personnel in enterprises and the continuity of personnel of the enterprise. One of the resources that an institution needs to produce products or services is mainly people. The human resources department is responsible for conducting the recruitment and dismissal processes of its personnel, the procedures of the positions they hold in the company. The human resources officer, who keeps track of the salaries and permits of the personnel, processes this data into the relevant system and is responsible for performing other tasks assigned to him by the manager to whom he is attached. Nowadays, many organizations have started to use digital human resources systems to provide, process and store information about human resources.

Human Resources Management

It is also known as Human Capital Management ( HCM). It refers to Human Resources Management in Turkish. Human resource is one of the most important resources of institutions. Human resources management also provides to manage the processes of analyzing the needs of this resource and meeting the requirements in the most accurate way. It also covers career processes, determination, organization and evaluation of trainings, personnel payrolls, performance evaluations, business development processes.

Integrated Business Planning

It is the name given to a supply chain management system that provides complete transparency in the supply chain. It is a cloud solution that offers real-time supply chain management by providing supply and demand balance in the medium and short term, while providing a strategic planning approach in line with long-term goals.

Import Management

IMP: Import Management / Import Management is more important for companies that carry out foreign trade transactions within the company. It carries out its transactions by integrating into all purchasing processes through the relevant system. Additional costs such as transportation, insurance can be defined, GTIP tracking can be performed, import declarations can be managed, customs costs can be calculated in advance, all import-based transactions are provided with this module.

Inventory Management

A large number of characteristics of the product stocks of enterprises, such as date, location, quantity, ensure that they are managed as desired. Inventory Management supports the entire supply chain from production to sales, maintenance to quality. All inventory movements can be recorded and the historical and current inventory status can be examined in detail.

Information Technology

It is the name given to the processes of managing and providing support for operations such as studying, designing, developing, executing computer hardware and software applications. Information technologies are also responsible for storing, protecting, transmitting and securely accessing this information while processing and converting data into information through computers and software.

Interactive Voice Response

IVR are interactive systems that provide access to information by automatically making the necessary directions using voice or keys when accessing information systems via phones. The call center is often used in sectors such as banking, insurance, telecom, consumer information lines.

Interactive Voice Response

It is a telephone system that meets callers directly, interacts automatically, directs them to the right menu or the right person using dialing or voice response methods.

Internet of Things

These are systems that allow devices to communicate by connecting to each other through different communication protocols. Objects are enabled to communicate with each other via IoT devices and exchange information. It provides the improvement of field services by allowing possible problems to be identified and solved in advance. It provides the ability to monitor assets. It enables the facilities to be managed better by taking control of them. The products are controlled in all areas and analysis is carried out and customer satisfaction is increased.

Just In Time

It is a concept that advocates that when the demand as well as the need is met at once, losslessly and just in time with perfect timing and excellent quality understanding, system gaps and waste will be prevented. 2. After the economic difficulties experienced in Japan from the name of World War II, it emerged in order to use scarce resources efficiently. The aim of the JIT philosophy is to provide benefits to the enterprise and prevent waste by synchronizing planning, sales and production functions. According to the JIT philosophy, production is carried out as much as orders or sales, which reduces warehouse costs by working at low inventory levels. In addition, while increasing profitability, it is taken as a basis not to compromise on quality. The term Zero Inventory (Zero Inventories), which originated in the USA, also means the same as the concept of JIT.

Last In First Out

Üretime verilecek olan veya satılacak olan ürünlerin stoklara son olarak giren ürünlerden başlaması gerektiğini ifade eder. Stoktaki ürünlerin kullanılma sırası son olarak alınan ürünlerden başlanarak geriye doğru sırasıyla devam eder. Ürünler stoklara giriş sırasının tersine göre stoktan çıkarlar.


In order to meet customer demands, the entire process that processes a good and service from the raw material starting point to the final stage of production and up to the recycling of the end user is called logistics. Logistics is the general name given to a comprehensive procurement, inventory and delivery application that includes all physical flow activities related to the flow of products from suppliers to customers.

Manufacturing Execution System

MES Systems are systems that serve to collect data simultaneously from the field in manufacturing. When integrated with ERP systems, mutual data flow is provided. It sends the printouts of the work orders it receives from ERP back to the ERP program. It facilitates the management and increases productivity by simultaneously tracking all processes of employees, machines and products in the field. It provides realistic, systematic and more accurate data from field operations.

Multi-factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a security measure that requires users to use more than one authentication method to access a system or account. This method makes it difficult for unauthorized people to access accounts, even if they have obtained a password. Thus, it stands out as an effective and simple way to protect accounts against cyber attacks.

Maintenance Management

It ensures that maintenance works are carried out in the most efficient way by preventing system problems and extending the use times of the equipment. Dissatisfaction such as unexpected failures, system interruptions, machine and mold usage periods can be overcome thanks to Maintenance Management.

Manufacturing Operations Management

MOM stands for "Manufacturing Operations Management" and refers to a software and hardware system designed to comprehensively manage production processes. Manufacturing operations management is a management discipline used to design, plan, implement, and monitor an organization's production processes. This approach aims to utilize the organization’s resources as effectively as possible to produce products and services that meet customer demands.

Master Production Schedule

MPS determines when and how much production should be done for each product to be obtained. In doing so, it takes current inventory levels and demand forecasts as a basis. MPS aims to establish a supply and demand balance. MPS aims to establish a supply and demand balance.

Maintenance Repair and Overhaul

Industrial maintenance can be defined as a combination of all technical and related management activities carried out for the purpose of sustainability of any equipment. The purpose of repair and maintenance activities is to keep the system functional, extend its life, and guarantee its safe operation. MRO is all of the activities that ensure the continuity of systems with maintenance, repair and repair services. In particular, maintenance and repair in the field of aviation is a mandatory activity that is subject to regulation in order to ensure safe and continuous flights of aircraft. There is an obligation to enter into maintenance at certain intervals for both commercial and military aircraft. December 27, 2019. This December is determined both as a time and as the number of flights. The three most important criteria for airline companies in MRO service can be called quality, maintenance time (turn around time) and maintenance cost.

Material Requirement Planning

MRP, which first started to be used in the USA in the 1960s, aims to better manage, control and make production processes more efficient. MRP analyzes the needs based on the Master Production Plan (MPS). It calculates when, how much, which raw materials or materials will be required, taking into account the existing stocks and purchase orders. It provides the opportunity to control the desired material to be the desired place at the desired time. MRP is a system used to minimize inventory investments, increase production and efficiency, create a consistent internal control system, respond to requests on time, improve the service provided and improve its quality, and increase the effectiveness of future plans. MRP systems are a module within ERP systems. In other words, ERP is a broader system that also includes MRP systems.

Manufacturing Resources Planning

MRP II systems, which emerged due to the inability of MRP systems to fully meet the needs of enterprises, were formed by the development of MRP systems, although their expansions are different. It was first developed in the USA in the 1980s and was first mentioned by Oliver Wight in his book “Unlocking America's Productivity Potential” in 1981. MRP II; it provides opportunities that increase productivity and reduce costs, such as organizing production processes, tracking the product at every stage of the process, creating flexible product configurations, calculating production costs, calculating raw material requirements based on capacity, reporting simultaneous data.

Make To Order

It is the process of costing the action that starts when the sales order is created. It provides the opportunity to make customer order-based costing. It creates profitability based on customer and customer orders by determining which order items are received related to which customer order and the costs of these items.

Numerical Control

After punching the equivalents of the letters and numbers contained in the NC program lines in binary number systems to a tape, they are called systems that read the commands encoded in this tape and perform the desired actions automatically. For the first time in 1954, A.B.D.M in the .I .The NC machine was developed at T University using electronic circuits. The machine can respond to encoded information in the desired order and manner to perform various functions. These functions cover different operations, ranging from changing the task of the main shaft of the machine, determining the direction and speed of rotation of the main shaft, tool selection, on-off control of the cooler.

Non-Disclosure Agreement

A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is a legal document signed between two or more parties that ensures confidential information shared between them is not disclosed to third parties. This agreement is crucial for situations where information needs to be protected in business relationships, collaborations, or various legal processes.


The Plan-Implement-Control-Take Action cycle is a simple but powerful factor for correcting problems at any level of your company. The PDCA Cycle allows you to apply your problem solving approach and implement solutions in a methodical way.

Product Data Management

PDM, with its ability to integrate into all areas, provides easy access to the information needed about the product within the organization. Thus, it is ensured that accurate and reliable information reaches the right person and in the right form on time. Thus, the PDM system plays a major role in Deconstructing the product development process by making the flow of information and work between different groups easy and fast.

Programmable Logic Controller

PLC is a microcomputer system that processes the information it receives from sensors according to the self-given program and transfers the results to business personnel. It has been developed in order to eliminate the negative aspects of the relay control system.

Product Lifecycle Management

At the most basic level (PLM), it is the totality of all processes from the initial targeting phase of a product to development, service and sales.

Part Period Balancing

The PPB algorithm shows the benefits of producing larger quantities (lower costs and shorter cycle processes), it is called a system that balances against the increased inventory handling costs associated with producing and holding more inventory.

Rough Cut Capacity Planning

In addition to ”Rough Capacity Planning“, it also comes across as ”Rough Cut Capacity Planning". MRP systems are not capacity sensitive and operate on the basis that the capacity is sufficient. At this time, the RCCP is activated and determines the necessary resources according to the needs. The RCCP tests the feasibility of the Master Production Plan (MPS) in terms of capacity. In cases where the RCCP does not find the Main Production Plan(MPS) suitable, the production plan should be prepared again or the necessary resources should be provided.

Radio Frequency Identification

RFID stands for "Radio Frequency Identification." It is an identification system that uses a chip to automatically identify objects from a certain distance using radio frequency. This technology is utilized to save time and enhance operational efficiency.

Return on Investment

ROI (Return on Investment) is a performance metric used to evaluate the effectiveness of an investment. Defined as the return, yield, or profitability of an investment, ROI indicates how much return a particular investment generates. Due to its simplicity, flexibility, and comparability, it is one of the most commonly used methods for measuring investment profitability.

Resource Requirement Planning

Long-term needs planning, research and development through the appropriate product line and convenient facilities for company activities (tools, labor, etc.) is the generic name given to the provision. The phases of capacity management are under three main headings. These are; Resource requirement planning (RRP) Rough Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP) Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP)

Sales Management

Thanks to Sales Management, enterprises can manage sales processes and follow up all the steps of the sales process by integrating documents such as offers, orders, waybills, invoices with each other. Since sales works depending on all departments, it can provide tracking by managing inventory management, accounting-related records, price policies and campaigns that also concern other departments.

Supply Chain Management

It is the whole of management and planning activities covering all logistics movements from procurement to the end user. Suppliers, external service providers, customers, etc. it provides communication and coordination between them. Dec. It is important to be able to supply the product on time, shorten the production process, improve product quality, and be flexible against changing Sunday conditions and economic conditions. It offers the opportunity to reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction.

Service Level Agreement

A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a contract between a vendor and a customer that outlines the level of service the vendor is committed to providing. This agreement specifies performance metrics such as uptime, delivery time, response time, and resolution time. It also details the actions to be taken if the agreed-upon requirements are not met, including provisions for additional support or price discounts.

Supplier Relationship Management

SRM is a system that makes it possible for organizations to perform their business transactions effectively through software, request goods or services, and automate the entire process. An effective supplier relationship management will positively affect the production and sales activities of the enterprise; it will enable it to become a more efficient and more efficient enterprise; it will pave the way for stable growth with lower costs and higher profits.

Software as a Service

SaaS, or "Software as a Service," is a cloud-based service that allows customers to access the data they need over the internet without the need to download software onto their computers. This model is provided through an external provider and ensures that users have continuous access to the latest version through automatic software updates.

Transportation Management System

A Transportation Management System (TMS) is a logistics platform that helps businesses plan, execute, and optimize the physical movement of both incoming and outgoing goods. It uses technology to ensure compliance with transportation laws and to guarantee that the necessary documentation is in place.

Warehouse Management System

These are the technological systems used for the effective use and control of warehouses. It ensures that the inventories in the warehouses, the workforce are managed and the logistics processes are carried out more healthily. It can be used more efficiently and effectively together with barcode, RF and IoT devices. With Warehouse Management Systems, accurate warehouse counting, goods acceptance and delivery can be made. You can easily detect the material location in the warehouse and track the movements. At the same time, you can manage your business transactions with the integration of all transactions into the software program.